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Academic Advising

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Our Role:

你的学术顾问会在这里回答你关于课程的任何问题,或者在你的课程中定制你的重点. 我们致力于你的学业成功,并在这里支持你.


Townsend Institute Advising Office
Amanda Barrett
[email protected]


毕业既是你在线学士学位课程学术之旅的结束, 也是你继续学习和职业生涯的开始. 该课程的许多毕业生继续进入研究生专业和学位课程,如 California Teacher Credential program, the M.A. in Education program, the MBA program, and others.

当你开始你的最后一个学期,你需要确保你申请毕业与 Registrar’s Office. 这个过程是必需的,可以在注册办公室或通过 obtaining the application for graduation online. 无论哪种方式,在公布的截止日期前完成此表格都很重要. 通常春季学期的毕业截止日期是9月,夏季学期的毕业截止日期是6月, and fall semester graduation the deadline is September.

请注意,康考迪亚大学举办两次毕业典礼. 它为你和你的朋友和家人提供了一个庆祝你的成就的机会.

Eligibility and Requirements

  • 成功完成120个学期的教学单元,或同等学历. 请确保与你的学术顾问详细审查.
    • 体育活动和应用/合奏音乐的四个单元的组合将被转移.
    • 总共有4个单位的实习/工作经验可以计算在120个单位中.
  • Completion of all General Education courses, or the equivalent, as well as successful completion of the course of study.
  • Minimum cumulative GPA not less than 2.所有学术工作0分(转学和在校).
  • Complete payments of all tuition and fees due Concordia University.

Honors at Graduation

下列荣誉将在每年的毕业典礼上颁发给文学学士学位的合格获得者. 这些荣誉是根据在康考迪亚大学和所有其他学院和大学学习的所有课程的累积平均成绩来确定的. 毕业典礼的荣誉表彰是基于平均成绩和秋季学期完成的学分, 但学生的永久记录将根据最后一个学期的GPA来指定荣誉.

  • Cum laude (with distinction): Awarded to students whose cumulative GPA is between 3.70 and 3.799.
  • Magna cum laude (with high distinction): Awarded to students whose cumulative GPA is between 3.80 and 3.899.
  • Summa cum laude (with highest distinction): Awarded to students whose cumulative GPA is 3.90 or above.

Right to Petition

在特殊情况下,学生可以申请审查某些大学的学术规定. Petition forms are available in the registrar's office. 在对请愿书采取行动后,学生将被通知决定. A copy of the action will be placed in the student's permanent file.

Register for Courses

Current Class Schedule

To view the current classes offered, please visit The Office of the Registrar.

Online Registration

使用“我的记录”是注册课程最简单、最方便的方式, check your current schedule, check your grades, find out room assignments, etc.

Link to My Records login:

  • 登录:使用您的学生证号码(这是“E12345678”号码)和您的个人密码登录.
  • PIN: Your first time login PIN is your birth date in “MMDDYY” format.
  • 忘记密码:在您第一次登录后,您将被要求重置您的密码为一个新的六位数字, and also set up a question that will be used if you forget your PIN. 当使用“忘记密码”按钮时,我的记录将要求您重置登录密码.
  • 没有登录密码或安全问题:如果您从未收到登录密码或您的帐户已被禁用, you will need to contact the Registrar’s Office.
  • Course Registration can be found under "My Classes" > "My Registration."
  • 当添加或删除课程时,请确保选择正确的术语并输入您的指导老师提供的CRN号码. Remember to click submit after each change!

Student Services Menu:

  • Registration: From the main menu, navigate to the Registration Menu to check your registration status, register online and view your class schedule.
  • 注册状态:点击提供的链接查看您的注册和清除(持有)状态.
  • 添加或删除课程:单击提供的链接更改您的课程. 选择正确的术语,然后输入导师提供的CRN号码. Remember to click submit after each change!
  • 每周概览或学生详细时间表:点击提供的链接,以检查您的课程时间表的准确性.

Other My Records Services:

  • 我的学生账单:查看您的Hold(s),支付学生账单,并查看税务信息.
  • My Information: View and update your personal information.
  • My Classes: View your academic records.



学生可以通过向学校提交书面申请,获得学业成绩的正式成绩单 Office of the Registrar. A fee is charged for transcripts and must be paid in advance. 处理及邮寄成绩单须在十个工作天内完成. 正式成绩单将不会公布,直到所有费用已支付.

其他学术机构的成绩单是康考迪亚大学的财产, and as such, are under the control of the Registrar's Office. Under federal policy, students have the right to view the documents in their file; the University will not make copies of these documents. 向康考迪亚大学提交的入学或学分转换成绩单将成为康考迪亚大学的财产,不会退还给学生或转发给其他机构.

Get started today.

赌博十大平台排行的在线学士学位有问题吗? Not sure how to get started? 填写下面的表格,我们的招生顾问会与你联系.

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